(Piemaker sorting the living room walls)
So the house is taking over our lives. Combine that with my Masters Degree and working for a care charity and that leaves no time or space to even sew on a button. This is depressing, but looking at the positive my knitting is coming on leaps and bounds,
The real good news is that the electricians are in to sort our electric out today and tomorrow, which means by Saturday we will be able to decorate every room except the kitchen! (builder's starting on our new kitchen next week hopefully)
I'm hoping I can convince Piemaker to chuck a few of my boxes into the car so we can start setting up upstairs. But hopefully this will be a turning point.
I'm hating not having any space to myself to be able to lock the door and work or sew, I know it will be better in the long run its just at the moment its pretty sucky. This is mainly the reason why I haven't been making/showing you guys my sewing plans.
I have some but until we can move in there isn't a lot I can do about them! Thanks for sticking with me, it won't be long!
There is so many lovely new patterns floating about I just can't wait to get started!