Friday, 10 August 2012

Whole Lotta Planning...

I seem to spend my life planning all the stuff i'm going to do instead of actually doing it. 
But when it comes to sewing, in my defense I actually can't do a lot until the move is done and I can unpack my sewing machine and unbury my fabric.
I have done abysmally in my sewing goals so far this year, my target is 25 garments, so unless I get a move on I'm in grave danger of missing that one.
a little info on how were progressing housewise first, 
We give our little rented house over on Tuesday and are essentially living in a bed room in Piemaker's parents house. No room for sewing here, but were waiting for completion before making the second move to our new home.
Incidentally this has given me a lot of time to think about what I'd truly like in my wardrobe and how I would like it to be.
I've sold a whole bunch of stuff on ebay and I'm looking to cleanse my wardrobe big time.
I've even written a little mission statement:

"The Idea behind this plan is comfortable, wearable pieces that can transcend from one use to another seamlessly, Promoting the use of good quality lasting fabrics to create versatility when put into an everyday wardrobe and the inclusion of pieces that harmonise with each other to create a capsule like effect.
Clothing in this plan should be, primarily a mixture of separates with the exception of a few dresses that can be worn layered with tights and long sleeved tops.
Overall I would like to achieve a workhorse style wardrobe of useful clothing. As I complete the Seamless Pledge I made in May 2012 until May 2013. "

So I've been trying to address this and look logically at what I like wearing. For example, I mainly wear dresses in the winter with tights, but feel uncomfortable in dresses in summer. 
Weird but realistic. I need more winter dresses than thin summer frocks.
So stay tuned for more wardrobe musings!
Do you have any weird wardrobe requirements?


  1. I think this is great! Although you complain about not being able to sew because of the move, I think in the long run, it will be good for you and your wardrobe. It's making you examine the way your have and will construct your wardrobe. Good luck!

  2. I hope your house-move goes smoothly hun :)
    Must meet up again some time (when you're all settled in properly!).

  3. Going through periods of time where you literally cannot create is always rough, but I think can be good because it gives you time to sit back, think, and get excited to create again when you're able.

    Good luck with your wardrobe plan! With thought and planning you can definitely accomplish this.

  4. Fab idea - a time of clearout and planning can be very cathartic. Good for you x

  5. Stevie - I can't do international postage, but if you're willing to do $7 for the Paris dress, I'll pay whatever's left over on postage. My paypal/email is Let me know what you think.


  6. Good luck moving! My move this year really got in the way of me finishing any projects, so I understand. I really need to get to work on making some winter dresses!


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