Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Plans for Productivity...

Heres a thought prompted by Lauren at Lladybird. She did a great post on how she is so damned productive, seriously the woman churns out awesome clothing over and over. It seems like she never pauses for breath! Turns out she does and has some clever little ways to keep her sewing at a constant and awesome level.
As Autumn is approaching I have, as usual a huge list of stuff I would like to sew. I'd like to think i've started sewing them just about on time this year. As lets face it, October is almost upon us! I've decided to try a few little ways of speeding up my sewing and hopefully it should leave me with a full wardrobe for when the chilly's come!
  • Cutting Projects in the Week and Sewing at Weekends - This allows me to cut at least a couple of projects a week and have them bagged up and ready to go when I get a chunk of sewing time. 
  • Sewing in a Production line - Making more than one of a pattern is a great way to build up some basics. I intend to pick at least two projects where I can sew multiples doing each process twice and ending up with two completed garments at the end.
  • Bulk buying supplies - Having what I  need for a project in advance means I can finish one thing and go straight on the next without that annoying wait for the fabric shop to open!
  • Work from the stash. Need fabric? Go stash shopping! There may be something in there you've forgotten about before jumping for your credit card.
As you can see, my next few projects are planned and bagged up with their relevant thread and notions ready and waiting to be sewn. 
What do you do to make sewing more productive?

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