Monday, 4 February 2013

Tidying the Blog a Little...

Just wanted to say thanks for being patient with me today. Me and Piemaker have been tweaking the blog. (Did I mention Piemaker is actually a web builder?) 
I'm sure we have clogged your blogroll up a little, Apologies!
Heres whats changed.
  • We have a few new fonts and the colours are more harmonious and co-ordinated,
  • I have a little hub for all social media. If you want my Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, just click to the right on the snazzy new buttons,
  • The post layout is neater! (This was driving me nuts!)
  • Anyone who wants to sign up to get posts from email now can. Sorry it took me so long!
  • All my oddities are up to date, such as Things i'm Participating In and Blog Awards,
I also wanted to say thank you for all of you that read regularly and that comment as well as come to meetups. It really amazes me how many lovely sewists there are in the world!
I hope you enjoy the new look as much as we will!


  1. I love the format. It's very pretty. My only complaint is that the font is a bit difficult for me to read because of how light it is.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stevie - same on my phone + work PC... can't read the text with the new main-text font, it's like the letters are half rubbed-out (same in FF / CHROME / IE)

    1. any better claire? Dave said the same thing

    2. Ahhh, yes all readable again thank you :)

  4. i'm struggling with the text too - on IE. it's like there are no crosses on the Ts.

  5. That font would be very bad for dyslexics, I find it hard to read but the amount of white space might be a problem for people with dyslexia problems

    1. I have darkened the text and changed the font so it is easier for you guys :)


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