I wish I had an exiting garment to show you all for my 100th post. But Alas due to uni I do not.
I hope to get some sewing done when I finish this presentation. Hopefully by this afternoon.
But my procrastinating skills have been at work yet again and I am blogging not working!
I decided on a look but not touch policy on patterns until after I have been to Barcelona. So I thought I would give you a few pics of what I have been looking at
Today they are relating to New Look Patterns.
I've never been that much of a New Look fan. My first pattern was New Look and although it turned out ok. It wasn't the most stylish thing I have ever made. They seemed to have turned a corner since then and I love looking at their grouped seperates patterns.
As we all know I have a problem in that I love dresses and pattern and what my wardrobe needs is separates and plain ones! Their little tops are lovely for spring and summer.
And look! Cardigans! I think this could help me hone in my non existent skills with jersey knits... What do you think?
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